yandere是什么意思 yandere的读音、翻译、用法

yandere是什么意思 yandere的读音、翻译、用法





1. 她是个病娇,一开始还挺可爱,现在越来越吓人了。- She's a yandere, cute at first, but now getting more and more scary.

2. 这个角色就是个病态妄想恋爱者,一点点得慢慢剖析她的行为才能发现。- This character is a yandere, you have to slowly analyze her behavior to find out.

3. 他们说这个游戏的主角是个病态恋爱者,我还没玩过,不过听起来挺恐怖的。- They say the protagonist of this game is a yandere, I haven't played it yet, but it sounds pretty scary.

4. 她在恋爱中显得有些病娇,但是我还是挺喜欢她的。- She seems a bit of a yandere in love, but I still like her.

5. 这个动漫里的女主角实在是太病态了,真的是让人觉得害怕。- The female protagonist in this anime is really yandere, it's really scary.

6. 我最喜欢的游戏角色就是那个病态爱情患者,简直是我的理想。- My favorite game character is that yandere, she's my ideal.

7. 他们说这个小说的女配角是个超级病娇,我还没看过,不过听起来很有趣。- They say the supporting female character in this novel is a super yandere, I haven't read it yet, but it sounds interesting.

8. 我不知道为什么这部电影里的女主角能成为大家的偶像,她简直就是个病态恋爱者。- I don't know why the female protagonist in this movie can become everyone's idol, she's a yandere.

9. 我不太喜欢那个游戏里的病态妄想恋爱者,觉得她有点过分了。- I don't really like the yandere in that game, I think she's a bit too much.

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