1. Melopsittacus undulatus是一种最受欢迎的宠物鸟之一。
(Melopsittacus undulatus is one of the most popular pet birds.)
2. 我的Melopsittacus刚学会了说话。
(My Melopsittacus just learned how to talk.)
3. Melopsittacus鹦鹉的颜色多种多样,从灰色到黄色都有。
(The Melopsittacus parrot comes in a variety of colors, from gray to yellow.)
4. 我最喜欢的鸟类是Melopsittacus。
(My favorite bird is the Melopsittacus.)
5. Melopsittacus在野外的生存能力非常强。
(Melopsittacus has a strong ability to survive in the wild.)
6. 这个Melopsittacus鸟笼是专门为家庭饲养而设计的。
(This Melopsittacus cage is designed specifically for home pet use.)
7. 我从朋友那里得到了一只Melopsittacus,它非常健康。
(I got a healthy Melopsittacus from my friend.)
8. 大多数Melopsittacus鹦鹉都非常喜欢超大型的鸟笼。
(Most Melopsittacus parrots prefer large bird cages.)
9. Melopsittacus鹦鹉可以在寿命内一直保持其可爱的外观。
(The Melopsittacus parrot can maintain its cute appearance throughout its lifespan.)