Donald Knuth是什么意思 Donald Knuth的读音、翻译、用法

Donald Knuth是什么意思 Donald Knuth的读音、翻译、用法

'Donald Knuth'这个词语源于英语,是指计算机科学家Donald Ervin Knuth。他是大名鼎鼎的《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art of Computer Programming)的作者之一,被誉为计算机科学界的“教父”。

以下是9个含有'Donald Knuth'的例句:

1. Donald Knuth是图灵奖的得主之一。(英语:Donald Knuth is one of the recipients of the Turing Award.)

2. Donald Knuth是计算机科学界最杰出的数学家之一。(英语:Donald Knuth is one of the most outstanding mathematicians in the field of computer science.)

3. 许多学生把Donald Knuth比作编程的圣经。(英语:Many students liken Donald Knuth to the Bible of programming.)

4. Donald Knuth对现代计算机科学和编程的发展做出了巨大的贡献。(英语:Donald Knuth has made tremendous contributions to the development of modern computer science and programming.)

5. 学习计算机科学的人们都应该熟悉Donald Knuth的工作。(英语:Anyone studying computer science should be familiar with the work of Donald Knuth.)

6. 我们的教授曾经跟Donald Knuth一起工作,因此我们的课程内容非常前沿。(英语:Our professor has worked with Donald Knuth before, so our curriculum is very cutting-edge.)

7. 掌握Donald Knuth所提倡的算法是成为优秀程序员的关键。(英语:Mastering the algorithms advocated by Donald Knuth is the key to becoming an excellent programmer.)

8. 许多人认为,Donald Knuth的著作是计算机科学中最重要的著作之一。(英语:Many people believe that the works of Donald Knuth are among the most important in computer science.)

9. 如果你想深入了解计算机科学的基础知识,就不可避免地会涉及到Donald Knuth的工作。(英语:If you want to delve into the fundamentals of computer science, you will inevitably come across the work of Donald Knuth.)

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