Venus是什么意思 Venus的读音、翻译、用法

Venus是什么意思 Venus的读音、翻译、用法





1. I saw Venus shining brightly in the night sky.(我在夜空中看到金星闪耀着明亮的光芒。)

2. The transit of Venus across the Sun is an astronomical event that occurs only once every 100 years.(金星横越太阳的凌日事件每xx年才会发生一次。)

3. In mythology, Venus was the goddess of love and beauty.(在神话中,维纳斯是美和爱的女神。)

4. The surface of Venus is extremely hot and inhospitable.(金星的表面极热,不适宜居住。)

5. The spacecraft successfully landed on the surface of Venus.(航天器成功降落在金星表面。)

6. Venus is often visible in the early morning or evening sky.(金星经常出现在早晨或傍晚的天空中。)

7. Some ancient cultures revered Venus as a symbol of femininity and beauty.(一些古代文化将金星视为女性和美的象征。)

8. Venus has an atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide.(金星的大气主要由二氧化碳组成。)

9. Astronomers continue to study Venus in order to better understand its geology and potential for supporting life.(天文学家继续研究金星,以更好地了解其地质学和支持生命的潜力。)

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