Chery QQ是什么意思 Chery QQ的读音、翻译、用法

Chery QQ是什么意思 Chery QQ的读音、翻译、用法

'Chery QQ'是中国的语言,可以翻译为“奇瑞QQ”。它是一款由中国奇瑞汽车公司生产的小型车型,常被称为“中国版的大众甲壳虫”。它的造型小巧可爱,价格相对较低,深受广大消费者的喜爱。以下是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. Chery QQ是中国最受欢迎的小型汽车之一。

Chery QQ is one of the most popular small cars in China.

2. 她的家里停着一辆红色的Chery QQ。

She has a red Chery QQ parked in her house.

3. 我的朋友买了一辆新的Chery QQ,开上路很舒适。

My friend bought a new Chery QQ and found it very comfortable to drive.

4. Chery QQ的价格比其他小车便宜很多。

The price of Chery QQ is much cheaper than other small cars.

5. 我们公司配备的车辆有Chery QQ和其他品牌的小车。

Our company provides cars including Chery QQ and other small car brands.

6. 我在Chery QQ上放了一张蓝色的汽车座椅垫。

I placed a blue car seat cushion on my Chery QQ.

7. 我们开着Chery QQ去逛街,非常方便。

We drove the Chery QQ to go shopping, it's very convenient.

8. Chery QQ的油耗非常低,在城市里开很经济。

The fuel consumption of Chery QQ is very low, it's very economical to drive in the city.

9. 我的女儿喜欢自己开Chery QQ去上学。

My daughter likes to drive the Chery QQ to school by herself.

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