1. 我向CDAA咨询了如何减肥并保持健康的方法。
I consulted CDAA on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
2. CDAA的训练师帮助我制定了一个有效的运动计划。
The trainer from CDAA helped me develop an effective exercise plan.
3. CDAA提供了多种营养计划,适合不同的人群。
CDAA provides various nutrition plans that suit different people.
4. CDAA的心理辅导帮助我处理了减肥过程中的焦虑和压力。
The psychological counseling from CDAA helped me deal with anxiety and stress during weight loss.
5. 我加入了CDAA的社区,结识了很多志同道合的人。
I joined the CDAA community and met many like-minded people.
6. CDAA的专家提供了许多关于健康饮食的建议。
The experts from CDAA offered many suggestions on healthy eating.
7. CDAA的瑜伽课程帮助我缓解了压力,并提高了灵活性。
The yoga classes from CDAA helped me relieve stress and improve flexibility.
8. 我参加了CDAA的跑步活动,感到非常兴奋和满足。
I participated in the running event organized by CDAA and felt very excited and fulfilled.
9. CDAA的宣传活动鼓励人们加入健康的生活方式。
The promotional activities of CDAA encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle.