1. A tracepoint is a debugging aid that prints a message when a program reaches a certain point.(tracepoint是一种调试工具,在程序达到某个特定点时会输出一条消息。)
2. The use of tracepoints can greatly simplify the process of identifying and fixing bugs in software.(使用tracepoint可以大大简化软件中错误的发现和修复过程。)
3. Tracepoints can be set by the programmer at specific points in the code, or can be automatically inserted by a profiling tool.(程序员可以在代码中的特定位置设置tracepoint,也可以由性能分析工具自动插入。)
4. To view the data captured by a tracepoint, you can use a window or other analysis tool.(要查看tracepoint捕获的数据,可以使用调试器或其他分析工具。)
5. Tracepoints are a valuable tool for understanding the behavior of complex software systems.(tracepoint是理解复杂软件系统行为的有价值工具。)
6. By adding tracepoints to critical sections of code, developers can gain insight into performance bottlenecks and other issues.(通过在代码的关键部分添加tracepoint,开发人员可以了解性能瓶颈和其他问题。)
7. To use tracepoints effectively, it's important to choose the right metrics to capture and to analyze the data carefully.(要有效地使用tracepoint,重要的是选择正确的指标进行捕获,并仔细分析数据。)
8. One of the advantages of tracepoints is that they can be used to capture information about the system as a whole, rather than just individual code modules.(tracepoint的一个优点是可以用它来捕获整个系统的信息,而不仅仅是单个代码模块。)
9. The ability to quickly add and remove tracepoints makes them a flexible tool for debugging and profiling software.(快速添加和删除tracepoint的能力使它们成为调试和性能分析软件的灵活工具。)