1. Ceftiofur is often used to treat respiratory infections in pigs.(Ceftiofur经常被用来治疗猪的呼吸道感染。)
2. The veterinarian prescribed ceftiofur to treat the cow's mastitis.(兽医开了ceftiofur给奶牛治疗乳腺炎。)
3. The chicken farmer used ceftiofur to prevent and treat bacterial infections in his flock.(养鸡农民使用ceftiofur来预防和治疗家禽的细菌感染。)
4. The researchers studied the pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur in horses.(研究人员研究了ceftiofur在马身上的药代动力学。)
5. Ceftiofur is a commonly used antibiotic in veterinary medicine.(Ceftiofur是兽医学中常用的抗生素。)
6. The piglets were given ceftiofur injections to prevent post-weaning diarrhea.(小猪被注射了ceftiofur以预防断奶后腹泻。)
7. Ceftiofur has been shown to effectively treat bovine respiratory disease.(已经证明ceftiofur能有效治疗牛的呼吸道疾病。)
8. The government has placed restrictions on the use of ceftiofur in food animals.(政府对饲料动物使用ceftiofur设置了限制。)
9. The use of ceftiofur in human medicine is still being researched.(ceftiofur在人类医学中的使用仍在研究中。)