1. Qawalangin tribe是阿留申人部落的一个分支,位于Unalaska岛上。(The Qawalangin tribe is a branch of the Aleut people, located on Unalaska Island.)
2. 阿留申地区的标志性建筑是捕鲸室,这些室屋顶上有独特的曲线设计。(The iconic structures of the Aleut region are the whaling rooms, which have distinctive curved roofs.)
3. 阿留申人使用海狸的皮毛制作帽子和其他衣物。(The Aleut people use beaver fur to make hats and other clothing.)
4. 阿留申人在冬季穿着披肩来保暖。(The Aleut people wear parkas to stay warm during the winter.)
5. 阿留申人传统的渔网称为pukii。(The traditional fishing net of the Aleut people is called a pukii.)
6. 阿留申人使用地鼠皮毛制作手套和鞋子。(The Aleut people use groundhog fur to make gloves and shoes.)
7. 阿留申人的传统食物有鲑鱼、鳕鱼、田螺等。(Traditional foods of the Aleut people include salmon, cod, and clams.)
8. 阿留申人使用紫云杉的树皮制作皮革。(The Aleut people use the bark of the Sitka spruce to make leather.)
9. 阿留申人的传统文化和艺术作品在美国博物馆中展出。(Traditional Aleut culture and art are displayed in museums throughout the United States.)