Stenella是什么意思 Stenella的读音、翻译、用法

Stenella是什么意思 Stenella的读音、翻译、用法



1. Stenella attenuata is a species of dolphin found in the eastern Pacific Ocean.(斑纹减齿海豚是出现在东太平洋中的一种海豚。)

2. Stenella longirostris is a species of dolphin found in the western Atlantic Ocean.(长吻斑海豚是出现在西大西洋中的一种海豚。)

3. The Stenella clymene is a small and slender species of dolphin that inhabits the Atlantic Ocean.(小斑海豚是一种体型纤细的海豚,在大西洋中有分布。)

4. The Stenella coeruleoalba, also known as the striped dolphin, is found in temperate and tropical waters around the world.(斑腹海豚,也称斑海豚,在全球的温带和热带水域中有分布。)

5. Stenella coeruleoalba is commonly seen in the Mediterranean Sea.(斑腹海豚经常出现在地中海中。)

6. The Stenella coeruleoalba is known for its distinctive blue and white stripes.(斑腹海豚以其独特的蓝白条纹而闻名。)

7. Stenella frontalis is a species of dolphin found in the western central Atlantic Ocean.(前额斑海豚是出现在大西洋西部中央的一种海豚。)

8. The Stenella frontalis has a distinctive black and white patch near its pectoral fin.(前额斑海豚在胸鳍附近有一个独特的黑白斑块。)

9. The Stenella frontalis is a highly social species, often seen in large groups.(前额斑海豚是一种高度社交的物种,经常以大群出现。)

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