'Datura stramonium'是拉丁语,用中文翻译为曼陀罗草。这是一种毒性很强的植物,属于茄科,原产于南美洲,现已广泛分布于全球各地。
以下是9个含有'Datura stramonium'的例句:
1. Datura stramonium is a poisonous plant commonly found in many regions of the world. (曼陀罗草是一种毒性植物,在世界许多地区都很常见。)
2. In traditional Chinese medicine, Datura stramonium is used to treat asthma and cough. (在中医药中,曼陀罗草用来治疗哮喘和咳嗽。)
3. The alkaloids in Datura stramonium can cause hallucinations and delirium. (曼陀罗草中的生物碱可以导致幻觉和谵妄。)
4. Datura stramonium poisoning can cause symptoms such as dry mouth, dilated pupils and difficulty urinating. (曼陀罗草中毒会引起干嘴、散瞳和排尿困难等症状。)
5. The leaves of Datura stramonium are used as an analgesic in some cultures. (曼陀罗草的叶子在一些文化中被用作镇痛剂。)
6. The use of Datura stramonium in traditional medicine requires caution due to its potential toxicity. (曼陀罗草在传统医学中的使用需要谨慎,因为它具有潜在的毒性。)
7. Datura stramonium is often used as a recreational drug for its psychoactive effects. (曼陀罗草常用作娱乐药物,因为它具有精神活性作用。)
8. Datura stramonium is also known as devil's trumpet due to its large trumpet-shaped flowers. (曼陀罗草因其大型喇叭形花朵而被称为魔鬼喇叭。)
9. The toxicity of Datura stramonium has led to numerous cases of poisoning and even fatalities. (曼陀罗草的毒性已导致许多中毒案例甚至造成了人员死亡。)