'Plumeria rubra'是拉丁语,翻译成中文为“红色鸡蛋花”。这是一种常见的热带植物,花朵颜色有红、白、黄等多种颜色,花香浓郁,叶片呈椭圆形。在夏季,它们是热带地区园林中常见的花卉。
以下是9个含有'Plumeria rubra'的例句:
1. Plumeria rubra是夏威夷的国花,常被用于制作花环。(英语:Plumeria rubra is the national flower of Hawaii and is commonly used to make leis.)
2. 在墨西哥,Plumeria rubra被称为“Calachuchi”,是人们喜爱的家庭庭院花卉之一。(英语:In Mexico, Plumeria rubra is known as "Calachuchi" and is one of the popular home garden flowers.)
3. 在泰国,Plumeria rubra又被称为“Lantom”,是当地人经常用来装饰房子或寺庙的花卉之一。(英语:In Thailand, Plumeria rubra is also known as "Lantom" and is commonly used to decorate houses or temples.)
4. Plumeria rubra的花瓣可以用来提取芳香油,常被用于制作香水。(英语:The petals of Plumeria rubra can be used to extract fragrant oil, which is commonly used to make perfumes.)
5. Plumeria rubra的花朵通常在黄昏时绽放,芳香四溢,让人陶醉。(英语:The flowers of Plumeria rubra usually bloom at dusk and have a fragrant scent that is intoxicating.)
6. 在印度尼西亚,Plumeria rubra被称为“Kembang Kamboja”,是一种常见的植物,被广泛种植。(英语:In Indonesia, Plumeria rubra is known as "Kembang Kamboja" and is a common plant that is widely cultivated.)
7. 在巴西,Plumeria rubra被称为“Jasmin do Cabo”,是一种风靡的花卉,被广泛用于园艺。(英语:In Brazil, Plumeria rubra is known as "Jasmin do Cabo" and is a popular flower that is widely used in horticulture.)
8. Plumeria rubra的花瓣可以制作茶,被认为具有镇定作用。(英语:The petals of Plumeria rubra can be used to make tea, which is believed to have a calming effect.)
9. 在菲律宾,Plumeria rubra被称为“Kalachuchi”,是一种极受欢迎的花卉,被广泛种植。(英语:In the Philippines, Plumeria rubra is known as "Kalachuchi" and is a highly popular flower that is widely cultivated.)