1. Endosulfan residues in the air and soil of cotton fields in India.(印度棉田空气和土壤中的内吸威残留)
2. The Indian government banned the manufacture, sale and use of endosulfan.(印度政府禁止制造、销售和使用内吸威)
3. Endosulfan exposure alters dopamine-mediated behavior and dopamine D1 and D2 receptor expression.(内吸威暴露改变了多巴胺介导的行为和多巴胺D1和D2受体的表达)
4. The endosulfan-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish was dependent on oxidative stress.(内吸威引起的斑马鱼发育毒性取决于氧化应激)
5. Endosulfan is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects.(内吸威对蜜蜂和其他有益昆虫具有高度毒性)
6. Endosulfan poisoning causes acute respiratory distress syndrome in humans.(内吸威中毒会导致人类急性呼吸窘迫综合症)
7. Endosulfan exposure induces DNA damage and apoptosis in mouse testes.(内吸威暴露导致小鼠睾丸的DNA损伤和凋亡)
8. The endosulfan contamination in the waterways of Australia is posing a serious threat to aquatic life.(澳大利亚水路中的内吸威污染正对水生生物构成严重威胁)
9. Endosulfan residues in vegetables and fruits from contaminated areas exceed the maximum residue limits.(受污染地区的蔬菜和水果中的内吸威残留量超过最大残留限量)