Rivaroxaban是什么意思 Rivaroxaban的读音、翻译、用法

Rivaroxaban是什么意思 Rivaroxaban的读音、翻译、用法



1. The patient was prescribed Rivaroxaban to prevent blood clots after surgery. (该患者被开了利伐沙班,以防止手术后血栓的形成。)

2. Rivaroxaban is one of the most commonly used anticoagulants. (利伐沙班是最常用的抗凝药物之一。)

3. The oral bioavailability of Rivaroxaban is high. (利伐沙班的口服生物利用度很高。)

4. Rivaroxaban works by blocking certain clotting factors in the blood. (利伐沙班通过阻止血液中的某些凝血因子发挥作用。)

5. Patients taking Rivaroxaban need to be monitored for signs of bleeding. (服用利伐沙班的患者需要监测出血的迹象。)

6. Rivaroxaban has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. (利伐沙班已被证明在降低房颤患者中风的风险方面是有效的。)

7. The recommended dosage of Rivaroxaban varies depending on the patient’s condition. (利伐沙班的推荐剂量因患者病情而异。)

8. Rivaroxaban should not be used in patients with severe liver or kidney disease. (利伐沙班不应在严重肝肾疾病患者中使用。)

9. Patients taking Rivaroxaban should inform their doctor before undergoing any surgical procedures. (服用利伐沙班的患者在进行任何手术程序前应通知医生。)

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