1. The family Megadermatidae includes large-eared bats found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. (Megadermatidae科包括分布于非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的大耳蝠。)
2. Megadermatidae bats are known for their distinctive large ears, which they use to locate their prey. (大耳蝠科蝙蝠以其独特的大耳朵而闻名,它们用来定位猎物。)
3. The Megadermatidae family is part of the order Chiroptera, which includes all bats. (Megadermatidae科是蝙蝠目的一部分,包括所有蝙蝠。)
4. Some species of Megadermatidae bats are found in forests, while others live in caves or other dark places. (一些大耳蝠科的物种分布于森林里,而其他的则生活在洞穴或其他黑暗的地方。)
5. The Megadermatidae bat Diploglossus uses its long tongue to feed on insects. (大耳蝠科蝙蝠Diploglossus用其长舌头进食昆虫。)
6. Megadermatidae bats are unique in their ability to fold their ears flat against their head. (大耳蝠科蝙蝠具有将耳朵平贴在头上的独特能力。)
7. The Megadermatidae bat Macroderma gigas is known for its large size and distinctive facial features. (大耳蝠科蝙蝠Macroderma gigas以其巨大的体型和独特的面部特征而闻名。)
8. The Megadermatidae bat Lavia frons is found in Australia and feeds on insects that it catches while flying. (Megadermatidae科蝙蝠Lavia frons分布于澳大利亚,飞行时以捕捉昆虫为食。)
9. Megadermatidae bats are important pollinators and help to spread seeds of many plants. (大耳蝠科蝙蝠是重要的传粉者,有助于传播许多植物的种子。)