'Erich Hartmann'是德国的词语,翻译为“埃里希·哈特曼”,是一名德国二战时期的顶尖空军飞行员,被称为“黑鸟”,因其在二战中击落352架敌机的壮举而著名。
以下是含有'Erich Hartmann'的9个例句:
1. Erich Hartmann是历史上最成功的空军飞行员之一,他击落了352架敌机。
(Erich Hartmann was one of the most successful air force pilots in history, shooting down 352 enemy planes.)
2. 在xx年,Erich Hartmann被苏联人俘虏,直到xx年才获释。
(In 1945, Erich Hartmann was captured by the Soviets and was not released until 1955.)
3. Erich Hartmann先生于xx年出生在德国,他的空战成就为世人瞩目。
(Mr. Erich Hartmann was born in Germany in 1922 and his air combat achievements have been widely recognized.)
4. Erich Hartmann的坦克指挥官父亲、又是飞行员的兄弟,大大影响了他的职业选择。
(Erich Hartmann's tank commander father and pilot brother greatly influenced his career choice.)
5. Erich Hartmann被认为是所有战争中最成功的空中杀手。
(Erich Hartmann is considered the most successful air ace of all time.)
6. 在他的职业生涯中,Erich Hartmann参加了1400多次作战。
(During his career, Erich Hartmann participated in more than 1400 combat missions.)
7. Erich Hartmann标志性的黑色涂装,使他的战斗机极为显眼。
(Erich Hartmann's iconic black paint scheme made his fighter plane very noticeable.)
8. 在纳粹德国的空军中,Erich Hartmann和他的空中部队因战斗表现出众而成为了传奇。
(In the Nazi German air force, Erich Hartmann and his air squadron became legendary for their outstanding combat performance.)
9. Erich Hartmann的战斗技巧和超强的身体素质,让他成为空中战争中无可争议的领袖人物。
(Erich Hartmann's combat skills and exceptional physical fitness made him an undisputed leader in aerial warfare.)