telequinesis是什么意思 telequinesis的读音、翻译、用法

telequinesis是什么意思 telequinesis的读音、翻译、用法



1. In this movie, the main character has the ability of telequinesis, which allows him to move objects with his mind.(在这部电影中,主角具有远程运动的能力,可以用意念控制物体运动。)

2. The experiment aims to prove the existence of telequinesis by measuring the movement of a pendulum under different conditions.(这个实验旨在通过对不同条件下摆动物的运动观察来证明远程运动的存在。)

3. Many people believe that telequinesis is a kind of superpower that only exists in movies and novels.(许多人认为念力是一个只存在于电影和小说中的超能力。)

4. She claimed that she could move a pencil across the table using her telequinesis, but no one believed her.(她声称可以用心灵感应把笔移动到桌子的另一边,但没人相信。)

5. The story tells about a boy who discovers his telequinesis ability and uses it to fight against evil forces.(这个故事讲述了一个男孩发现自己具有超能力并利用它来对抗邪恶势力。)

6. The scientist conducted a series of experiments to study the relationship between telequinesis and human brain waves.(这位科学家进行了一系列实验来研究念力和人脑波之间的关系。)

7. Some people believe that telequinesis is a gift from God and can only be used for good purposes.(有些人认为念力是上帝的赐予,只能用于善良的目的。)

8. The girl was famous for her telequinesis ability, and many people came to her for advice or help.(这个女孩因其念力能力而出名,许多人都来向她寻求建议或帮助。)

9. The movie explores the idea of telequinesis as a powerful tool for humans to control and manipulate the world around them.(这部电影探讨了念力作为人类控制和操纵周围世界的强大工具的想法。)

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