'Dominic Monaghan'是英语,中文翻译为“多米尼克·莫纳汉”,是一位英国演员和电视节目主持人。他最著名的角色是在电影《指环王》中饰演梅里里克·布兰迪巴克。
1. Dominic Monaghan is a talented actor who has appeared in several successful TV shows and movies.(多米尼克·莫纳汉是一位才华横溢的演员,曾出演多部成功的电视节目和电影。)
2. I really enjoyed watching Dominic Monaghan host the nature documentary series.(我非常喜欢观看多米尼克·莫纳汉主持的自然纪录片系列。)
3. Dominic Monaghan's portrayal of Charlie on Lost was one of my favorite TV characters.(多米尼克·莫纳汉在《迷失》中扮演的查理是我最喜欢的电视角色之一。)
4. The chemistry between Dominic Monaghan and his co-star in Lord of the Rings was amazing.(多米尼克·莫纳汉和他在《指环王》中的搭档之间的默契非常惊人。)
5. Dominic Monaghan's latest movie received mixed reviews from critics.(多米尼克·莫纳汉最新的电影收到了影评人的褒贬不一的评价。)
6. I hope to see more of Dominic Monaghan's work in the future.(我希望未来能看到更多多米尼克·莫纳汉的作品。)
7. Dominic Monaghan's performance in the horror film was terrifyingly good.(多米尼克·莫纳汉在恐怖电影中的表演非常恐怖而出色。)
8. Dominic Monaghan's accent is distinctly British.(多米尼克·莫纳汉的口音很明显是英国腔。)
9. I was surprised to learn that Dominic Monaghan is also an avid wildlife photographer.(我惊讶地发现多米尼克·莫纳汉也是一位热衷于野生动物摄影的人。)