1. Kyphosus sectatrix是一种常见的海鲈类,分布于热带和亚热带水域。
Kyphosus sectatrix is a common sea bass found in tropical and subtropical waters.
2. 该研究分析了Kyphosus bigibbus的生长和发育规律。
The study analyzes the growth and development patterns of Kyphosus bigibbus.
3. Kyphosus vaigiensis是一种美丽的海洋鱼类,拥有明亮的蓝色和金色的斑点。
Kyphosus vaigiensis is a beautiful marine fish with bright blue and gold spots.
4. Kyphosus cinerascens是一种受到过度渔捞的鱼类,需要采取措施保护。
Kyphosus cinerascens is a fish species that has been overfished and needs protection measures.
5. 该研究探讨了Kyphosus incisor的食性和营养级别。
The study investigates the feeding habits and trophic level of Kyphosus incisor.
6. 捕鱼者捕捞了一条Kyphosus vaigiensis作为当地餐桌上的美食。
Fishermen caught a Kyphosus vaigiensis to be served as a delicacy on the local dinner table.
7. Kyphosus fuscus属于中等大小的鱼类,通常生活在珊瑚礁和海草床附近。
Kyphosus fuscus is a medium-sized fish that usually lives near coral reefs and seagrass beds.
8. 在食物链中,Kyphosus cinerascens居于中上层,是比较重要的掠食者。
In the food chain, Kyphosus cinerascens is an important predator that occupies the upper-middle level.
9. 肥胖的Kyphosus sectatrix可能会导致饮食链中其他物种的数量减少。
Obese Kyphosus sectatrix may lead to a decrease in the number of other species in the food chain.