litosoles是什么意思 litosoles的读音、翻译、用法

litosoles是什么意思 litosoles的读音、翻译、用法


1. Litosoles are the predominant soils in this area.(岩石土是该地区占主导的土壤类型。)

2. The vegetation growing on litosoles is often sparse.(在岩石土上生长的植被常常很稀疏。)

3. Litosoles are not suitable for many crops due to their low fertility.(由于肥力较低,岩石土不适合种植许多作物。)

4. The rocky outcrops of the hills are covered with litosoles.(山丘的岩石露头上覆盖着岩石土。)

5. Litosoles are formed by the weathering of rock over a long period of time.(岩石土是长时间岩石风化的产物。)

6. Due to their poor nutrient content, litosoles are often used for grazing rather than for crop production.(由于养分含量不足,岩石土经常被用于畜牧而不是农作生产。)

7. Many of the world's mountainous regions have litosoles as their dominant soil type.(世界上很多山地地区的主导土壤类型是岩石土。)

8. Litosoles can be difficult to cultivate due to the presence of rocks and boulders.(由于存在石头和大块岩石,岩石土很难开垦。)

9. The mineral composition of litosoles can vary depending on the type of rock from which they were formed.(岩石土的矿物成分可以根据其所形成的岩石类型而有所不同。)

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