1. Monarda是美丽的多年生植物。
Monarda is a beautiful perennial plant.
2. 看到这个Monarda花的颜色,我感到非常惊讶。
I was surprised by the color of this Monarda flower.
3. 这个花园里的Monarda使我想起了童年时的某座花园。
The Monarda in this garden reminded me of a garden from my childhood.
4. Monarda在这个季节通常会开花。
Monarda typically blooms at this time of year.
5. 这个品种的Monarda需要很少的维护。
This variety of Monarda requires very little maintenance.
6. 我在花园里发现了一种长得像Monarda的植物。
I found a plant in the garden that looks like Monarda.
7. 我喜欢在我的后院里种植Monarda,因为它们吸引了很多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。
I love planting Monarda in my backyard because they attract a lot of bees and butterflies.
8. 每当我看到Monarda,我就想起了我的祖母。
Whenever I see Monarda, I think of my grandmother.
9. 这个品种的Monarda是我在花园店里看到的最漂亮的植物之一。
This variety of Monarda is one of the most beautiful plants I've seen at the garden center.