adenosindifosfato是什么意思 adenosindifosfato的读音、翻译、用法

adenosindifosfato是什么意思 adenosindifosfato的读音、翻译、用法

这个词语来源于英文,全称为Adenosine Diphosphate,简称ADP。它是由腺苷酸分子中两个磷酸基团水解而来的一种物质,通常作为细胞内能量储备的一部分存在。在人体内,ADP主要通过与磷酸分子结合形成三磷酸腺苷(ATP)来为身体提供能量。目前ADP还被广泛应用于生物化学、医药和科研等领域。


1. The level of cellular ADP and ATP is critical for cellular energy homeostasis.(细胞内的ADP和ATP水平对细胞内能量均衡至关重要。)

2. High concentrations of ADP can lead to activation of certain cell signaling pathways.(高浓度的ADP可以激活某些细胞信号通路。)

3. The researchers tracked the movement of ADP molecules in real time using fluorescence microscopy.(研究人员使用荧光显微镜实时追踪ADP分子的运动。)

4. The drug works by inhibiting the enzyme that converts ADP to ATP.(这种药物的作用是抑制将ADP转化为ATP的酶。)

5. The binding affinity of ADP to certain receptors in the body can affect physiological processes.(ADP与身体某些受体的结合亲和力可以影响生理过程。)

6. The cellular response to ADP varies depending on cell type and environmental conditions.(对ADP的细胞反应取决于细胞类型和环境条件。)

7. The study found that low levels of ADP can trigger certain immune responses in the body.(研究发现低水平的ADP可以在体内引发某些免疫反应。)

8. ADP is an important factor in the regulation of blood clotting.(ADP是血液凝固调节中的一个重要因素。)

9. The enzyme responsible for converting ADP to ATP is essential for energy production in the body.(负责将ADP转化为ATP的酶对身体的能量生产是必不可少的。)

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