Epitrimerus是什么意思 Epitrimerus的读音、翻译、用法

Epitrimerus是什么意思 Epitrimerus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Epitrimerus群体生活在植物上,它们会给植物带来严重的危害。

(Epitrimerus populations live on plants and cause serious damage to them.)

2. Epitrimerus长得很小,很难被人类肉眼观察。

(Epitrimerus is so small that it is difficult to observe with the naked eye.)

3. Epitrimerus研究的目的是为了更好地保护植物生长。

(The purpose of studying Epitrimerus is to better protect plant growth.)

4. Epitrimerus寄生在黄瓜植物上,会导致黄瓜变得不健康。

(Epitrimerus parasitizes cucumber plants and causes them to become unhealthy.)

5. 研究者正在努力研究如何控制Epitrimerus的数量,以保护植物的健康。

(Researchers are working hard to study how to control the number of Epitrimerus in order to protect plant health.)

6. Epitrimerus会影响植物的生长和产量,因此需要采取有效措施来控制它们。

(Epitrimerus affects plant growth and yield, so effective measures are needed to control them.)

7. 植物病理学家花费了很长时间来研究Epitrimerus的生态习性和行为。

(Plant pathologists have spent a long time studying the ecological habits and behavior of Epitrimerus.)

8. Epitrimerus能够对植物造成伤害,使其容易受到其他病害和虫害的侵袭。

(Epitrimerus can cause damage to plants, making them vulnerable to other diseases and pests.)

9. 为了保护植物的健康,应该及时发现Epitrimerus的存在并采取措施进行防治。

(In order to protect the health of plants, it is necessary to detect the presence of Epitrimerus in a timely manner and take measures to prevent and control it.)

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