Thom Mayne是什么意思 Thom Mayne的读音、翻译、用法

Thom Mayne是什么意思 Thom Mayne的读音、翻译、用法

Thom Mayne是美国的名称,汉语翻译为托姆·梅因。他是一位知名的建筑师,曾获得普利兹克建筑奖等多个国际奖项。他的作品以前卫、功能性和自然元素的结合为特点,体现了现代主义和后现代主义的风格。

以下是9个含有Thom Mayne的例句:

1. Thom Mayne的设计风格非常前卫,带有强烈的实验性和未来主义色彩。

(Thom Mayne's design style is very avant-garde, with strong experimental and futuristic colors.)

2. 这座建筑是由Thom Mayne设计的,它采用了大量的钢结构和现代化的材料。

(This building was designed by Thom Mayne and features a lot of steel structures and modern materials.)

3. Thom Mayne凭借他独特的设计理念和创新性的作品,成为了当代建筑界的巨星。

(Thom Mayne has become a star in contemporary architecture with his unique design concepts and innovative works.)

4. 这个科技园区的建筑是由Thom Mayne的事务所设计的,它融合了现代科技和自然元素。

(The buildings in this technology park were designed by Thom Mayne's firm, which blends modern technology and natural elements.)

5. Thom Mayne的建筑作品往往有着强烈的表现力和张力,给人以深刻的印象。

(Thom Mayne's architectural works often have strong expressiveness and tension, leaving a deep impression on people.)

6. 这座城市综合体是Thom Mayne近年来的代表作之一,它结合了商业、文化和住宅功能。

(This urban complex is one of Thom Mayne's representative works in recent years, combining commercial, cultural, and residential functions.)

7. Thom Mayne在设计时注重建筑与环境的融合,使建筑与周围的自然环境和谐相处。

(Thom Mayne pays attention to the integration of architecture and environment in design, making the building harmoniously coexist with the surrounding natural environment.)

8. 这些建筑的外观看起来非常奇特,是Thom Mayne尝试突破现有建筑形式的一次尝试。

(The appearance of these buildings looks very peculiar, which is Thom Mayne's attempt to break through the existing architectural forms.)

9. Thom Mayne的建筑风格非常个性化和独特化,很难用传统的美学标准来衡量。

(Thom Mayne's architectural style is very personalized and unique, which is difficult to measure with traditional aesthetic standards.)

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