1. Rhizophagus irregularis is a species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that is commonly used in agriculture for its benefits in plant growth.(Rhizophagus irregularis是一种丛枝菌根真菌,被广泛用于农业中,可以促进植物生长。)
2. The Rhizophagus arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was found to play a critical role in the ecosystem.(Rhizophagus的丛枝菌根真菌在生态系统中发挥着重要作用。)
3. The Rhizophagus fungus was found to enhance nutrient uptake in plants.(Rhizophagus真菌可以增强植物对养分的吸收。)
4. The Rhizophagus mycorrhizae help improve soil structure and water holding capacity.(Rhizophagus丛枝菌根有助于改善土壤结构和保水能力。)
5. The Rhizophagus fungus can create a symbiotic relationship with plants, in which both the fungus and the plant benefit from the interaction.(Rhizophagus真菌可以与植物建立共生关系,双方都从互动中受益。)
6. The roots of the plant were colonized by Rhizophagus fungi.(植物的根系被Rhizophagus真菌占领了。)
7. Rhizophagus mycorrhiza can improve soil fertility and plant productivity.(Rhizophagus丛枝菌根可以提高土壤肥力和植物生产力。)
8. The Rhizophagus fungi were found to play a role in the uptake of heavy metals by plants.(研究发现Rhizophagus真菌在植物吸收重金属中起到了作用。)
9. Rhizophagus-associated mycorrhizal fungi may have potential applications in bioremediation.(与Rhizophagus相关的丛枝菌根真菌可能在生物修复中具有潜在的应用价值。)