Horatio Alger是什么意思 Horatio Alger的读音、翻译、用法

Horatio Alger是什么意思 Horatio Alger的读音、翻译、用法

Horatio Alger是美国英语中的词语,翻译为“霍雷肖·阿尔杰”。

Horatio Alger原指19世纪美国作家霍雷肖·阿尔杰(Horatio Alger Jr.),他的小说主题多为从贫困到富裕的赚钱奋斗故事,被称为“成功小说”,并成为美国文化的一个象征。后来,Horatio Alger的意义扩大为励志成功、奋斗精神等含义,在英文社会中广泛使用。

以下是9个含有Horatio Alger的例句:

1. Horatio Alger was a famous American author who wrote about rags-to-riches stories.(霍雷肖·阿尔杰是一位著名的美国作家,他写过许多关于穷到富的故事。)

2. The novel follows the classic Horatio Alger formula of hard work and determination leading to success.(这本小说符合经典的Horatio Alger公式,即通过努力和决心取得成功。)

3. For many Americans, the story of Horatio Alger is the quintessential American success story.(对于许多美国人来说,Horatio Alger的故事是典型的美国成功故事。)

4. The American Dream is often associated with the Horatio Alger ideal of upward social mobility.(美国梦常常与Horatio Alger的社会流动理想联系在一起。)

5. Many politicians have tried to invoke the spirit of Horatio Alger in their speeches.(许多政治家试图在演讲中激发Horatio Alger的精神。)

6. The company's rise from obscurity to success is a modern-day Horatio Alger story.(该公司从默默无闻到成功崛起是现代版的Horatio Alger故事。)

7. The book is a Horatio Alger-style tale of one man's struggle to overcome adversity.(这本书是一个人克服逆境的Horatio Alger式的故事。)

8. The Horatio Alger Association honors individuals who have achieved success through hard work and perseverance.(Horatio Alger协会表彰通过辛勤工作和坚持不懈取得成功的个人。)

9. Some critics have argued that the Horatio Alger myth ignores systemic injustices and inequality in American society.(一些评论家认为,Horatio Alger神话忽略了美国社会中的系统性不公和不平等。)

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