1. Williopsis在啤酒酿造中发挥着重要的作用。(Williopsis plays an important role in beer brewing.)
2. 最近,科学家研究发现Williopsis在面包制造中也能起到很好的效果。(Recent studies have shown that Williopsis can also be effective in bread making.)
3. 在酿造葡萄酒时,Williopsis可以改善其口感和香气。(Williopsis can improve the taste and aroma of wine during the fermentation process.)
4. 该公司正在研究如何利用Williopsis制造更健康的食品。(The company is researching how to use Williopsis to make healthier food.)
5. Williopsis被用来制造某些药物和化妆品。(Williopsis is used to produce certain drugs and cosmetics.)
6. 许多人喜欢在家里制造酸奶,使用Williopsis酵母菌可以让酸奶更加美味。(Many people enjoy making yogurt at home, and using Williopsis yeast can make it even more delicious.)
7. Williopsis的生长需要一定的温度和湿度条件。(The growth of Williopsis requires certain temperature and humidity conditions.)
8. 这种酵母菌属已经被广泛应用于食品工业中。(This yeast genus has been widely used in the food industry.)
9. 科学家正在研究如何通过基因工程来改善Williopsis的性能。(Scientists are researching how to improve the performance of Williopsis through genetic engineering.)