Edward Teller是什么意思 Edward Teller的读音、翻译、用法

Edward Teller是什么意思 Edward Teller的读音、翻译、用法

'Edward Teller'这个词语源于英语,是指著名的匈牙利裔美国核物理学家Edward Teller。他被誉为"氢弹之父",是美国核武器开发项目的主要领导人之一。


1. Edward Teller is often referred to as the "father of the hydrogen bomb".(爱德华·泰勒经常被称为“氢弹之父”)

2. In the 1950s, Edward Teller became heavily involved in the development of nuclear weapons.(20世纪xx年代,爱德华·泰勒深度参与了核武器的开发工作)

3. Edward Teller's contributions to the field of nuclear physics cannot be overstated.(爱德华·泰勒对核物理学领域的贡献是不可估量的)

4. Edward Teller was a key figure in the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb. (爱德华·泰勒是曼哈顿计划的关键人物之一,该项目开发了第一颗原子弹)

5. The works of Edward Teller have greatly advanced our understanding of nuclear physics.(爱德华·泰勒的研究极大地推进了我们对核物理学的理解)

6. Edward Teller was recognized with many awards and honors for his contributions to science.(爱德华·泰勒因其对科学的贡献而获得了许多奖项和荣誉)

7. Many scientists were influenced by the works of Edward Teller, and his legacy lives on today.(许多科学家受到爱德华·泰勒的研究的影响,他的科学遗产至今仍存在)

8. Edward Teller's research on the properties of matter under extreme conditions led to many breakthroughs in nuclear physics.(爱德华·泰勒对极端条件下物质性质的研究为核物理学带来了许多突破)

9. Despite controversy surrounding his work, Edward Teller remained a respected and influential figure in the scientific community.(尽管在其工作中引发了争议,但爱德华·泰勒仍是科学界备受尊重和有影响力的人物)。

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