agrimonia是什么意思 agrimonia的读音、翻译、用法

agrimonia是什么意思 agrimonia的读音、翻译、用法




1. The agrimonia herb has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. (虻草草药在传统医学中已使用了几个世纪。)

2. Agrimonia is sometimes used in herbal teas. (虻草有时被用于草本茶中。)

3. The agrimonia plant is native to Europe but can now be found in other parts of the world as well. (虻草植物原产于欧洲,但现在也可以在世界其他地区找到。)

4. The leaves of the agrimonia plant are often used in herbal remedies. (虻草的叶子经常被用于草药疗法中。)

5. Some people believe that agrimonia can help with digestive problems. (有些人认为虻草可以帮助消化问题。)

6. Agrimonia has a sweet taste and is frequently used to flavor herbal infusions. (虻草口感甜美,常用于给草本冲剂调味。)

7. The agrimonia plant is also known as church steeples because of its tall, spiky appearance. (虻草植物因为其高大的,尖锐的外观而被称为教堂尖塔。)

8. You can often find agrimonia supplements in health food stores. (您经常可以在健康食品店内找到虻草补品。)

9. It is important to talk to your doctor before using agrimonia as a treatment for any health condition. (在使用虻草治疗任何健康问题之前,与您的医生交谈非常重要。)

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