1. Scansoriopterygidae在恐龙家族中是一种较小的物种,还能够飞行。(中文翻译:Scansoriopterygidae is a relatively small species in the dinosaur family that is also capable of flight.)
2. 这种恐龙的特点是它的翅膀长得类似于爬行动物的脚,因此被称为Scansoriopterygidae。(中文翻译:This dinosaur is characterized by wings that resemble the legs of reptiles, and is therefore called Scansoriopterygidae.)
3. Scansoriopterygidae是恐龙学家们关注的一个研究领域,因为它们仍然有许多问题需要解决。(中文翻译:Scansoriopterygidae is a research area that paleontologists are interested in because there are still many questions to be answered.)
4. Scansoriopterygidae的化石被发现在中国的几个地方,但是它们的脊椎化石相对罕见。(中文翻译:Fossils of Scansoriopterygidae have been found in several places in China, but their spinal fossils are relatively rare.)
5. Scansoriopterygidae的头骨很小,但是它们的牙齿和下颚很强壮,有利于捕猎。(中文翻译:The skull of Scansoriopterygidae is small, but their teeth and jaws are strong and useful for hunting.)
6. Scansoriopterygidae的飞行能力仍然存有争议,有人认为它们是通过飞跃获得高度的。(中文翻译:The flying ability of Scansoriopterygidae is still controversial, with some suggesting they gained height through leaping.)
7. Scansoriopterygidae是恐龙中较早期的物种,但是它们的翅膀已经演化得非常完整。(中文翻译:Scansoriopterygidae is an early species in the dinosaur family, but their wings have evolved to be quite complete.)
8. 在Scansoriopterygidae的翅膀中,第四个手指上的骨骼已经演化成为支撑翅膀的骨头。(中文翻译:In the wings of Scansoriopterygidae, the bones on the fourth finger have evolved to support the wings.)
9. Scansoriopterygidae是恐龙学家们研究恐龙演化过程的重要研究材料。(中文翻译:Scansoriopterygidae is an important material for paleontologists studying the evolution of dinosaurs.)