Prionailurus viverrinus是什么意思 Prionailurus viverrinus的读音、翻译、用法

Prionailurus viverrinus是什么意思 Prionailurus viverrinus的读音、翻译、用法

'Prionailurus viverrinus'是拉丁语,英文常见翻译为fishing cat,意为“渔猫”。这种猫有着特别的爱好——捕鱼,它们生活在南亚和东南亚的河流、沼泽和湿地附近。以下是9个含有这个词语的例句:

1. The fishing cat is a rare and endangered species in India.(渔猫是印度一种稀有的濒危物种。)

2. The fishing cat has webbed feet to help it swim and catch fish.(渔猫有蹼足帮助它游泳和捕鱼。)

3. The prionailurus viverrinus is known for its unique hunting behavior.(渔猫以独特的捕猎方式而闻名。)

4. The fishing cat is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.(渔猫被列为易危物种在IUCN红色名录上。)

5. The fishing cat's habitat is threatened by human development and habitat loss.(渔猫的栖息地受到人类开发和栖息地损失的威胁。)

6. The fishing cat is a nocturnal hunter, making it hard to spot in the wild.(渔猫是夜行性猎手,很难在野外发现它们。)

7. The prionailurus viverrinus has a long, slender body and short legs, perfect for hunting in wetlands.(渔猫有着修长的身体和短腿,在湿地捕猎非常合适。)

8. In Thailand, the fishing cat's range has been reduced due to habitat destruction.(在泰国,渔猫的栖息范围因栖息地破坏而减少。)

9. The fishing cat's scientific name, 'Prionailurus viverrinus', comes from Greek and Latin roots meaning 'saw-toothed cat' and 'weasel-like'.(渔猫的学名“Prionailurus viverrinus”来自于希腊语和拉丁语,意为“锯齿状猫”和“黄鼬般的”。)

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