1. Nuclear power plants provide electricity by using nuclear reactors to heat water and produce steam. (核电站通过使用核反应堆加热水并产生蒸汽来提供电力。)
2. Nuclear weapons are considered to be the most destructive weapons ever created. (核武器被认为是有史以来最具破坏性的武器。)
3. The nuclear family is a traditional family structure consisting of a married couple and their children. (核心家庭是传统的家庭结构,由已婚夫妇和他们的孩子组成。)
4. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred in Ukraine in 1986. (切尔诺贝利核灾难是xx年在乌克兰发生的一场灾难性核事故。)
5. Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials to diagnose and treat diseases. (核医学是一门利用放射性材料诊断和治疗疾病的医学分支。)
6. The Iran nuclear deal was an agreement reached in 2015 to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. (伊朗核协议是xx年达成的一项协议,限制伊朗核计划,以换取解除经济制裁。)
7. Nuclear fusion is the process of combining two atomic nuclei together to form a heavier nucleus. (核聚变是将两个原子核结合成一个较重的原子核的过程。)
8. The International Atomic Energy Agency is responsible for promoting the safe and peaceful use of nuclear technology. (国际原子能机构负责促进核技术的安全和和平使用。)
9. The North Korean nuclear program has been a source of international tension and concern for many years. (朝鲜核计划多年来一直是国际紧张和关注的焦点。)