corned beef是什么意思 corned beef的读音、翻译、用法

corned beef是什么意思 corned beef的读音、翻译、用法

Corned beef是英语词汇,中文翻译为咸牛肉。它是指咸腌过的牛肉,常用于制作三明治等食品,也是英式早餐中的重要组成部分。


1. I ordered a corned beef sandwich for lunch.(我点了一份咸牛肉三明治作为午餐。)

2. Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional St. Patrick's Day meal.(咸牛肉和卷心菜是传统的圣帕特里克节餐食。)

3. My favorite breakfast is corned beef hash.(我最喜欢的早餐是咸牛肉杂烩。)

4. The recipe calls for two pounds of corned beef.(这个菜谱需要两磅咸牛肉。)

5. The deli sells freshly sliced corned beef.(这家熟食店出售新鲜切片的咸牛肉。)

6. I've never tried corned beef before.(我以前从未尝试过咸牛肉。)

7. Corned beef is a common ingredient in Irish cuisine.(咸牛肉是爱尔兰菜肴中常见的原料之一。)

8. Do you want your corned beef sandwich with mustard or mayo?(你想要在咸牛肉三明治上加芥末或蛋黄酱吗?)

9. The slow cooker is perfect for making tender corned beef.(慢炖锅非常适合制作柔软的咸牛肉。)

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