Coco Chanel是什么意思 Coco Chanel的读音、翻译、用法

Coco Chanel是什么意思 Coco Chanel的读音、翻译、用法

'Coco Chanel'是法语词语,中文翻译是“可可·香奈儿”。它指代的是著名的法国时尚设计师可可·香奈儿,她是20世纪最具影响力的时尚设计师之一,她的设计风格简约、优雅、休闲,引领了现代时尚的潮流。


1. Coco Chanel的设计风格一直以来都很受欢迎。(The design style of Coco Chanel has always been popular.)

2. 她的服装设计让女性更自信、独立。(Her fashion designs make women more confident and independent.)

3. Coco Chanel创造的经典款式一直流传至今。(The classic styles created by Coco Chanel still exist today.)

4. 她的成功源于自己对时尚的热爱和执着追求。(Her success comes from her love and persistent pursuit of fashion.)

5. 可可·香奈儿的品牌代表着奢华和高品质。(The Coco Chanel brand represents luxury and high quality.)

6. 她的革命性设计让女性穿上更舒适的服装。(Her revolutionary designs make women wear more comfortable clothing.)

7. Coco Chanel的时尚理念改变了整个时尚界。(The fashion concept of Coco Chanel has changed the entire fashion industry.)

8. 她的服装设计被认为是现代女性的时尚象征。(Her fashion designs are considered to be a symbol of modern women's fashion.)

9. 可可·香奈儿的传奇故事一直激励着人们不断前行。(The legendary story of Coco Chanel continues to inspire people to move forward.)

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