'AABW'这个词源于英语,全称为“Antarctic Bottom Water”,即南极底层水。它是深海环流系统中的一个重要部分,主要由南极冰架融水和海冰形成,是世界上最冷、最咸、密度最大的深海水之一。AABW的形成对于全球海洋循环和全球气候变化都具有重要意义。
1. AABW是由南极冰架融水和海冰形成的深海环流系统中的一个重要部分。
(AABW is an important part of the deep ocean circulation system formed by melting water and sea ice from the Antarctic ice shelf.)
2. 南极潜水艇发现了地球上最深的AABW,其温度仅为-0.7℃。
(Antarctic submersibles have discovered the world's deepest AABW, which has a temperature of only -0.7℃.)
3. AABW是世界上最冷的深海水之一,其平均温度为-0.8℃。
(AABW is one of the coldest deep-sea waters in the world, with an average temperature of -0.8℃.)
4. AABW对全球气候变化具有重要影响,因为它可以影响海洋循环和全球温度。
(AABW has an important impact on global climate change, as it can affect ocean circulation and global temperature.)
5. AABW密度大,可以影响大洋中的水流和混合。
(The high density of AABW can affect water flow and mixing in the ocean.)
6. AABW是深海环流系统中的主要水团之一,它对全球海洋循环起着重要作用。
(AABW is one of the main water masses in the deep ocean circulation system, playing an important role in global ocean circulation.)
7. 南极洲大规模的冰架融化会增加AABW的生成,从而影响全球海洋和气候。
(Massive Antarctic ice shelf melting will increase the generation of AABW, thereby affecting global oceans and climate.)
8. AABW可以通过测量水温、盐度等参数来研究,以了解全球海洋循环。
(AABW can be studied by measuring parameters such as water temperature and salinity to understand global ocean circulation.)
9. AABW的形成和传播是一个复杂的过程,涉及到海洋物理、化学和生物学等多个领域的知识。
(The formation and propagation of AABW is a complex process involving knowledge in multiple fields such as ocean physics, chemistry, and biology.)