Canna是什么意思 Canna的读音、翻译、用法

Canna是什么意思 Canna的读音、翻译、用法



1. Canna是一种非常容易种植的植物,适合在花园或盆栽中生长。--Canna is a very easy to grow plant, suitable for growing in gardens or pots.

2. Canna的花色非常丰富,从黄色到红色和紫色都有。--Canna comes in a wide range of colors, from yellow to red and purple.

3. 在热带地区,Canna通常被当作草本植物来种植,因为它们可以用来制作药物和饮料。--In tropical regions, Canna is often grown as an herb because it can be used to make medicines and beverages.

4. 如果你想让Canna在冬季存活下来,最好将它们移动室内或加入足够的保温措施。--If you want your Canna to survive the winter, it's best to move them indoors or add enough insulation.

5. Canna的花朵是非常美丽的,非常适合用来装饰室内或室外的空间。--Canna flowers are very beautiful and perfect for decorating indoor or outdoor spaces.

6. Canna是一种多年生的植物,你可以将它们种在同一地方多年而不必担心它们失去生命力。--Canna is a perennial plant that can be grown in the same location for many years without losing vigor.

7. Canna的叶子非常大,可以用来制作丰富的装饰,如花环或中心装饰。--Canna's large leaves make them a great source of decoration, from wreaths to centerpieces.

8. Canna经常被用来在庭院或花坛中制造亮丽的视觉效果。--Canna is often used to create striking visual displays in yards or flowerbeds.

9. 在印度,Canna被称为“令人愉悦的花朵”,是一种被广泛种植的植物。--In India, Canna is called the "flower of joy" and is a widely grown plant.

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