Tonkin是什么意思 Tonkin的读音、翻译、用法

Tonkin是什么意思 Tonkin的读音、翻译、用法


1. The Tonkin Gulf Incident was a pivotal moment in the Vietnam War. (“Tonkin湾事件”是越战的一个关键时刻。)

2. The French colonized Tonkin in the late 19th century. (法国在19世纪末殖民了Tonkin。)

3. Tonkin has a rich culinary tradition that blends Chinese and Vietnamese influences. (Tonkin有着丰富的烹饪传统,融合了中国和越南的影响。)

4. The Tonkin Free School was established by the French in Hanoi in 1907. (法国于xx年在河内成立了Tonkin自由学校。)

5. Tonkin has a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and cool winters. (Tonkin的气候属于湿润亚热带,夏季炎热,冬季凉爽。)

6. The Tonkin incident led to a massive increase in American troops in Vietnam. (Tonkin事件导致美国在越南增派了大量军队。)

7. Many Vietnamese refugees fled to Tonkin during the Vietnam War. (越南战争期间,许多越南难民逃到了Tonkin。)

8. The Tonkin Valley was an important agricultural center in colonial Vietnam. (Tonkin山谷是殖民地越南的一个重要农业中心。)

9. The Tonkin Resolution gave President Johnson the authority to escalate U.S. involvement in Vietnam. (Tonkin决议授权约翰逊总统加强美国在越南的参与。)

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