gill是什么意思 gill的读音、翻译、用法

gill是什么意思 gill的读音、翻译、用法



1. The fish has strong gills to breathe underwater. (这条鱼有强壮的鳃来在水下呼吸。)

2. She removed the gills from the fish before cooking it. (她在烹饪前取出了鱼的鳃。)

3. The clam's gills filter out particles from the water. (蛤蜊的鳃可以过滤掉水中的颗粒。)

4. He caught a 20-pound salmon with his fishing gill net.(他用渔网捕到了一条20磅重的鲑鱼。)

5. The swimmer took a deep breath and held it, closing her gills. (游泳者深吸了一口气并屏住呼吸,关闭她的鳃。)

6. The frog's skin is so thin that it can absorb oxygen instead of using gills. (青蛙的皮肤非常薄,可以通过吸收氧气来代替使用鳃。)

7. The scientist examined the gills of the shrimp under a microscope. (科学家在显微镜下检查了虾的鳃。)

8. The angler tried different gill colors on his lure to attract fish. (钓鱼者在他的钓饵上尝试了不同的鳃颜色来吸引鱼。)

9. The restaurant's specialty dish was grilled sea bass with lemon and gill sauce. (这家餐厅的招牌菜是柠檬鳃汁烤海鲈鱼。)

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