1. The Thelaziidae parasite is commonly found in dogs' eyes. (Thelaziidae寄生虫常见于狗的眼睛中。)
2. The larvae of Thelaziidae are transmitted through the bite of flies. (Thelaziidae的幼虫通过苍蝇叮咬传播。)
3. The treatment of Thelaziidae infection involves the use of antiparasitic drugs. (治疗Thelaziidae感染涉及使用抗寄生虫药物。)
4. The Thelaziidae parasite can cause blindness if left untreated. (如果不治疗,Thelaziidae寄生虫会导致失明。)
5. Thelaziidae is a common parasite in cattle in tropical areas. (Thelaziidae是热带地区牛常见的寄生虫。)
6. The diagnosis of Thelaziidae infection is made by examining the eyes of the affected animal. (通过检查受感染动物的眼睛,可以诊断出Thelaziidae感染。)
7. The lifecycle of Thelaziidae involves both intermediate and definitive hosts. (Thelaziidae的生命周期涉及中间和最终宿主。)
8. Thelaziidae larvae migrate through the tissues of the animal's eyes, causing irritation and inflammation. (Thelaziidae幼虫穿过动物眼部的组织,引起刺激和炎症。)
9. The prevention of Thelaziidae infection involves controlling the population of the fly vector. (防止Thelaziidae感染涉及控制苍蝇媒介的种群。)