archaeopteryx是什么意思 archaeopteryx的读音、翻译、用法

archaeopteryx是什么意思 archaeopteryx的读音、翻译、用法



1. Archaeopteryx是有史以来最早的已知鸟类之一。

Archaeopteryx is one of the earliest known birds in history.

2. 通过对Archaeopteryx的研究,我们可以了解古代鸟类的进化。

By studying Archaeopteryx, we can learn about the evolution of ancient birds.

3. Archaeopteryx的化石被发现在德国的巴伐利亚地区。

The fossils of Archaeopteryx were found in the Bavarian region of Germany.

4. 由于高度的保存状态,Archaeopteryx的化石成为了科学家们研究的重要资料。

Due to their high degree of preservation, the fossils of Archaeopteryx have become important materials for scientists to study.

5. 古生物学家们认为,Archaeopteryx可能是从爬行动物进化而来的。

Paleontologists believe that Archaeopteryx may have evolved from reptiles.

6. Archaeopteryx的尾巴骨上长有一排羽毛,这使它成为了真正的“羽毛恐龙”。

Archaeopteryx had a row of feathers on its tail bones, which made it a true "feathered dinosaur".

7. 随着时间的推移,Archaeopteryx的特征变得更加鸟类化。

Over time, the features of Archaeopteryx became more bird-like.

8. Archaeopteryx的存在证明了进化论的正确性。

The existence of Archaeopteryx is proof of the validity of the theory of evolution.

9. 即使在现代鸟类中,Archaeopteryx的某些特征仍然存在。

Even in modern birds, some features of Archaeopteryx still exist.

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