mancer是什么意思 mancer的读音、翻译、用法

mancer是什么意思 mancer的读音、翻译、用法



1. The astrologer is a skilled diviner who can foretell the future.(占星家是一位熟练的占卜师,可以预言未来。)

2. The necromancer summoned ghosts from the afterlife to answer questions for him.(通灵术士召唤来自阴间的幽灵为他解答问题。)

3. The water diviner used dowsing rods to find underground water sources.(水卜师使用探水杆寻找地下水源。)

4. The geomancer studied the earth’s energy patterns to determine where to build a new building.(地卜师研究地球的能量模式以确定在哪里建造新建筑物。)

5. The aeromancer used the movements of the clouds to predict the weather.(天卜师利用云的运动来预测天气。)

6. The palm reader examined the lines on the client’s hand to make predictions about their future.(手相师检查客户手上的纹路,预测他们的未来。)

7. The pyromancer controlled the flames with his mind, making them dance and flicker at his will.(火卜师用他的头脑控制火焰,使它们在他的意愿下跳舞和闪烁。)

8. The cartomancer read the fortunes from a deck of playing cards.(卡片占卜师从一副扑克牌中读取未来。)

9. The clairvoyant had visions of events that would happen in the future.(透视者有关于未来会发生的事件的幻象。)

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