1. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis last year. (去年我被诊断出患有溃疡性结肠炎。)
2. A diet low in fiber can exacerbate colitis symptoms. (缺乏纤维的饮食会使结肠炎症状加重。)
3. Colitis flare-ups are often triggered by stress. (结肠炎的暴发往往是由压力引起的。)
4. I have to take medication every day to manage my colitis. (我每天都要服药来控制我的结肠炎。)
5. Colitis can lead to severe dehydration if not treated properly. (如果不正确治疗,结肠炎会导致严重的脱水。)
6. Some people with colitis find relief through alternative therapies like acupuncture. (一些患有结肠炎的人通过针灸等替代疗法获得缓解。)
7. There is no known cure for colitis, but treatment can help manage symptoms. (目前没有已知的治愈结肠炎的方法,但治疗可以帮助控制症状。)
8. Colitis can increase the risk of developing colon cancer. (结肠炎会增加患结肠癌的风险。)
9. Some foods like spicy, fried, or greasy foods can aggravate colitis symptoms. (某些食物如辛辣、炸和油腻的食品会加重结肠炎症状。)