Eugene Cernan是什么意思 Eugene Cernan的读音、翻译、用法

Eugene Cernan是什么意思 Eugene Cernan的读音、翻译、用法

'Eugene Cernan'是英语词语,中文翻译为“尤金·塞尔南”,是一位美国宇航员。他曾参与了三次宇航任务,其中包括阿波罗17号任务,成为最后离开月球的人类。

以下是9个含有'Eugene Cernan'的例句:

1. Eugene Cernan was the commander of Apollo 17.(尤金·塞尔南是阿波罗17号任务的指挥官。)

2. Eugene Cernan left his footprints on the Moon.(尤金·塞尔南在月球上留下了他的脚印。)

3. The documentary tells the story of Eugene Cernan's life.(这部纪录片讲述了尤金·塞尔南的生平故事。)

4. Eugene Cernan's dedication to space exploration inspired many people.(尤金·塞尔南对太空探索的奉献精神启发了许多人。)

5. NASA honored Eugene Cernan with many awards.(美国宇航局授予尤金·塞尔南许多奖项以表彰他的功绩。)

6. Eugene Cernan's achievements in space exploration will never be forgotten.(尤金·塞尔南在太空探索方面的成就将永远被铭记。)

7. Eugene Cernan's legacy continues to inspire future generations.(尤金·塞尔南的遗产继续激励着后代。)

8. Eugene Cernan's death was a great loss to the space exploration community.(尤金·塞尔南的去世对太空探索社区是一个巨大的损失。)

9. Eugene Cernan's book provides a fascinating insight into his experiences in space.(尤金·塞尔南的书提供了一个迷人的视角来了解他在太空的经历。)

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