BAM是什么意思 BAM的读音、翻译、用法

BAM是什么意思 BAM的读音、翻译、用法



1. BAM! The fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky.(砰!烟花突然在天空中爆开。)

2. He was walking along the street and then BAM! He fell over.(他走在街上,突然间跌倒了。)

3. She opened the box and BAM! A snake jumped out.(她打开盒子,突然一条蛇跳了出来。)

4. BAM! The basketball hit the rim and bounced off.(篮球砰地一声撞在篮框上,弹开了。)

5. He slammed his fist on the table and shouted BAM!(他砰地一声将拳头砸在桌子上,大喊一声!)

6. BAM! The car crashed into the wall.(汽车砰的一声撞到了墙上。)

7. The chef said BAM! as he added the final touch to the dish.(厨师在给菜肴最后添加调料时说了声“砰”!)

8. BAM! The door slammed shut behind him.(门砰地一声关上了。)

9. She took off her glasses and BAM! She looked like a completely different person.(她摘下眼镜,突然间变得面目全非。)

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