'ithaginis cruentus'是拉丁文,翻译为“血红色的白斑鸠”。
'ithaginis cruentus'是一种小型的鸟类,身体上方为棕色,下方为白色,颈部有一圈鲜红的斑块,而双翼上有白色的斑块。
下面是9个含有'ithaginis cruentus'的例句:
1. Ithaginis cruentus飞过了天空。(中文翻译:The 'ithaginis cruentus' flew across the sky.)
2. 你见过'ithaginis cruentus'吗?(中文翻译:Have you ever seen an 'ithaginis cruentus'?)
3. 这里有一只'ithaginis cruentus'在树枝上唱歌。(中文翻译:There is an 'ithaginis cruentus' singing on the branch here.)
4. 据说'ithaginis cruentus'是一种冬季鸟类。(中文翻译:It is said that 'ithaginis cruentus' is a winter bird.)
5. 这只'ithaginis cruentus'在草地上觅食。(中文翻译:The 'ithaginis cruentus' is foraging on the grassland.)
6. 他拍摄了一只'ithaginis cruentus',画面非常美丽。(中文翻译:He captured a beautiful shot of the 'ithaginis cruentus'.)
7. 我们在森林里看到了一群'ithaginis cruentus'。(中文翻译:We saw a flock of 'ithaginis cruentus' in the forest.)
8. 这个地区应该有不少'ithaginis cruentus'的栖息地。(中文翻译:There should be plenty of habitats for 'ithaginis cruentus' in this area.)
9. 我们在旅游时看到了一些'ithaginis cruentus',它们真的很漂亮。(中文翻译:We saw some 'ithaginis cruentus' during our trip and they were really beautiful.)