Juno是什么意思 Juno的读音、翻译、用法

Juno是什么意思 Juno的读音、翻译、用法

'Juno' 是英语单词,用中文可翻译为“朱诺”,指的是古罗马神话中的女神朱诺(Juno),是天空和家庭的女神。

含有 'Juno' 的例句:

1. Juno was known as the queen of the gods in Roman mythology. (朱诺在古罗马神话中是众神女王。)

2. The spacecraft Juno was launched in 2011 to study Jupiter. (探测器朱诺于xx年发射,用于研究木星。)

3. The temple of Juno Moneta was built on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. (朱诺·莫内塔神庙建在罗马的卡皮托利山上。)

4. Juno was often associated with fertility and marriage. (朱诺经常被视为生育和婚姻的女神。)

5. The Juno Awards are the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy Awards. (朱诺奖是加拿大的格莱美奖等级的奖项。)

6. According to legend, Juno was born on Mount Cavo in Italy. (根据传说,朱诺在意大利的卡沃山出生。)

7. The Roman statue of Juno shows her holding a peacock, which was a symbol of her power. (罗马朱诺雕像描绘她手持孔雀,这是她权力的象征。)

8. Juno was known for her beauty and her jealous nature. (朱诺以美貌和嫉妒的本性而闻名。)

9. The Juno Beach Centre is a museum and cultural center in Normandy, France, dedicated to the Canadian contributions during the D-Day landings. (朱诺海滩中心是法国诺曼底的一个博物馆和文化中心,致力于纪念加拿大人在诺曼底登陆中的贡献。)

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