'Land Art'是英语的词汇,可以译为“土地艺术”,是艺术家将自然环境的特点和空间结构作为创作对象,通过在自然场地中创作艺术作品,强调创作与自然环境之间的互动关系。常见的翻译还有“大地艺术”、“地质艺术”等。
以下是含有'Land Art'的9个例句:
1. Land Art作品的创作需要艺术家对自然环境的敏感和理解。
(The creation of Land Art works requires artists' sensitivity and understanding of the natural environment.)
2. Land Art艺术的开创者之一是美国艺术家罗伯特·史密森。
(One of the pioneers of Land Art is American artist Robert Smithson.)
3. 在Land Art作品中,艺术家常常使用自然材料,如石头、树枝、泥土等。
(In Land Art works, artists often use natural materials, such as stones, branches, and soil.)
4. Land Art作品常常要求观众去现场体验,以感知艺术作品与自然环境之间的互动关系。
(Land Art works often require audiences to experience them on site, in order to perceive the interactive relationship between the artwork and the natural environment.)
5. Land Art的创作过程和结果都强调艺术家与自然环境的合作和互动。
(The creation process and result of Land Art emphasize the cooperation and interaction between the artist and the natural environment.)
6. Land Art中的艺术作品不仅仅是艺术品,它们也具有一定的科学和环境保护的意义。
(The artworks in Land Art are not only artworks, but also have certain scientific and environmental protection significance.)
7. Land Art的理念和技法已经在许多现代艺术中得到应用和发展。
(The concepts and techniques of Land Art have been applied and developed in many modern art works.)
8. Land Art需要艺术家具备丰富的自然知识和创作技巧。
(Land Art requires artists to have rich knowledge of nature and creative skills.)
9. Land Art作品的呈现形式多种多样,包括雕塑、装置、影像等。
(Land Art works are presented in various forms, including sculpture, installation, and video.)