Rhinocyllus是什么意思 Rhinocyllus的读音、翻译、用法

Rhinocyllus是什么意思 Rhinocyllus的读音、翻译、用法




1. Rhinocyllus conicus是一种危害马铃薯作物的害虫。

(Rhinocyllus conicus is a pest that damages potato crops.)

2. 这只犀牛象鼻虫是如何侵害甜菜的?

(How does this Rhinocyllus damage sugar beets?)

3. 最好使用一种有针对性的杀虫剂来控制犀牛象鼻虫。

(It's best to use a targeted insecticide to control Rhinocyllus.)

4. 犀牛象鼻虫的危害在整个欧洲范围内都很普遍。

(The damage caused by Rhinocyllus is common throughout Europe.)

5. 如果犀牛象鼻虫不受控制,它可能会导致严重的作物减产。

(If Rhinocyllus is not controlled, it can lead to severe crop reduction.)

6. 专业的农业工作者需要知道如何识别犀牛象鼻虫以及如何控制它们。

(Professional agricultural workers need to know how to identify and control Rhinocyllus.)

7. 犀牛象鼻虫在土壤中繁殖,并在幼苗期对作物造成伤害。

(Rhinocyllus reproduces in the soil and causes damage to crops during the seedling stage.)

8. 化学农药可以有效地杀死犀牛象鼻虫,但也会对环境造成一定的影响。

(Chemical pesticides can effectively kill Rhinocyllus, but also have an impact on the environment.)

9. 现代农业技术正在开发出更加安全和环保的方法来控制犀牛象鼻虫。

(Modern agricultural technology is developing safer and more environmentally friendly ways to control Rhinocyllus.)

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