Sphaeropsis是什么意思 Sphaeropsis的读音、翻译、用法

Sphaeropsis是什么意思 Sphaeropsis的读音、翻译、用法

'Sphaeropsis' 是拉丁语,中文翻译为“球孢子菌属”,是真菌分类中的一种,包括了多种木材腐朽和植物病害的病原菌。


1. Sphaeropsis sapinea是挪威松干枯病的主要病原菌。(Norwegian)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is the main pathogenic fungus of pine wilt disease.

2. Sphaeropsis sapinea er en skadedyr som kan forårsake stor skade på skogbruket. (Norwegian)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is a pest that can cause great damage to forestry.

3. Sphaeropsis sapinea είναι ο κύριος παθογόνος μύκητας της νοτιοανατολικής μύκητας. (Greek)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is the main pathogenic fungus of southeastern pine.

4. Sphaeropsis sapinea es un hongo patógeno que puede causar la muerte del árbol. (Spanish)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is a pathogenic fungus that can cause tree death.

5. Sphaeropsis sapinea adalah jamur patogen penyebab penyakit kayu mati pada pinus. (Indonesian)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is a pathogenic fungus that causes deadwood disease in pine trees.

6. Sphaeropsis sapinea est un champignon pathogène qui peut causer la mort de l'arbre. (French)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is a pathogenic fungus that can cause tree death.

7. Sphaeropsis sapinea это гриб, вызывающий заболевание сосен. (Russian)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is a fungus that causes pine disease.

8. Sphaeropsis sapineaはマツの枯死病の主要な病原菌である。(Japanese)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is the main pathogenic fungus of pine wilt disease.

9. Sphaeropsis sapinea是导致松树死亡的主要病原真菌。(Chinese)

翻译:Sphaeropsis sapinea is the main pathogenic fungus that causes pine tree death.

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