SPS这个词语来源于英语,是Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures的缩写,翻译为“卫生与植检措施”。SPS是指国际贸易中为了保障人类、动物和植物的健康安全而采取的措施,它包括卫生措施和植检措施,旨在防止动植物疾病和有害生物跨境传播。
1. The import of food products must comply with SPS requirements.(进口食品必须符合卫生与植检要求。)
2. SPS measures should not be used as a disguised form of protectionism.(卫生与植检措施不应当被用作掩盖贸易保护主义的手段。)
3. The SPS agreement was established under the World Trade Organization.(卫生与植检协定是在世界贸易组织下建立的。)
4. The country has strict SPS standards to ensure the safety of its agricultural products.(该国有严格的卫生与植检标准,以确保农产品的安全。)
5. SPS certificates are required for the export of animal products.(出口动物产品需要卫生与植检证书。)
6. Meeting SPS standards is a prerequisite for accessing certain markets.(符合卫生与植检标准是进入某些市场的先决条件。)
7. The SPS committee reviews and monitors the implementation of SPS measures.(卫生与植检委员会审查和监督卫生与植检措施的实施。)
8. The government has tightened SPS inspections at border crossings.(政府加强了边境卫生与植检检查。)
9. The SPS agreement covers a wide range of issues related to human, animal and plant health.(卫生与植检协定涵盖了与人类、动物和植物健康相关的广泛问题。)